Prix Benois Laureates 2024

Prix Benois de la Danse
Bolshoi Theatre (Historic Stage)
Moscow, Russia
June 25, 2024

by Ilona Landgraf
Copyright © 2024 by Ilona Landgraf

1. Jurors, S.Zakharova, nominees, and laureates, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois Center On Tuesday evening, this year’s Prix Benois laureates were announced on the Historic Stage of the Bolshoi Theatre.
The Mariinsky Ballet’s Olesya Novikova won the prize for best female dancer for her performance as Aspiccia in La Fille du Pharaon (Marius Petipa’s version as reconstructed by Toni Candeloro). Gergő Ármin Balázsi (Hungarian National Ballet) and Artemy Belyakov (Bolshoi Ballet) shared the prize for best male dancer. Balázsi was nominated for his performance as Leon in Boris Eifman’s The Pygmalion Effect and Belyakov for his performance as Ivan IV in Yuri Grigorovich’s Ivan the Terrible. Marco Goecke was awarded the prize for best choreography in absentia for In the Dutch Mountains, a creation for the Nederlands Dans Theater.
2. O.Novikova (Mariinsky Ballet), Prix Benois 2024 © Benois Center 3. Q.Zijiao, A.Uvarov, and G.Á.Balázsi (Hungarian National Ballet); Prix Benois 2024 © Benois Center4. Q.Zijiao, A.Uvarov, and A.Belyakov (Bolshoi Ballet); Prix Benois 2024 © Benois CenterThe jury consisted of Svetlana Zakharova (artistic director of the Benois de la Danse Programme and chairwoman of the jury and prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre, Russia), Yukari Saito (artistic director of The Tokyo Ballet, Japan), Qu Zijiao (artistic director and president of the Liaoning Ballet and head of the Liaoning Ballet Affiliated Ballet Dance School, China), Patrick de Bana (dancer and choreographer), Nacho Duato (choreographer and artistic director of the Mikhailovsky Ballet, St. Petersburg, Russia), Tamás Solymosi (choreographer and artistic director of the Hungarian National Ballet, Budapest), and Andrei Uvarov (former principal dancer of the Bolshoi Ballet and deputy artistic director of the Sevastopol Opera and Ballet Theater, Crimea, Russia).

6. A.Akiyama and D.Tsukamoto, “KAGUYAHIME” by J.Kanamori, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois Center5. Ensemble of the Stanislavsky Ballet, “Class-Concert” by M.Sevagin, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois CenterDuring the second half of the ceremony, the audience had the opportunity to watch excerpts of three of the nominated choreographies as well as performances by some of the nominated dancers and laureates. The Stanislavsky Ballet presented a portion of Maxim Sevagin’s Class-Concert. Akira Akiyama and Dan Tsukamoto (both from The Tokyo Ballet) introduced Jo Kanamori’s KAGUYAHIME to the Moscow audience, and Anastasia Stashkevich and Vladislav Lantratov (both from the Bolshoi Ballet) danced a duet from Yuri Possokhov’s The Queen of Spades.
7. G.Á.Balázsi and T.Melnyik, “Duett” by W.Eagling, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois Center 8. V.Lantratov and A.Stashkevich, “The Queen of Spades” by Y.Possokhov, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois CenterPrix Benois nominee, Prisca Zeisel (Mikhailovsky Ballet), danced a pas de deux from Giselle alongside her company colleague Viktor Lebedev, while the Mikhailovsky Ballet’s second nominee, Nikita Tchetverikov, presented an excerpt from his creation, Saint Petersburg – Amsterdam. The nominees from the Liaoning Ballet—Sun Huixin and Zhang Haidong—performed a duet from Patrick de Bana’s Notre Dame de Paris, the piece that won them their nomination. Ksenia Ryzhkova from the Stanislavsky Ballet also appeared in the role for which she was nominated. She danced a pas de deux of Gerda from Maxim Sevagin’s The Snow Queen alongside her company colleague Denis Dmitriev.
11. D.Dmitriev and K.Ryzhkova, “The Snow Queen” by M.Sevagin, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois Center 10. A.Belyakov and O.Novikova, “Romeo and Juliet” by L.Lavrovsky, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois Center 9. Z.Haidong and S.Huixin, “Notre Dame de Paris” by Bana, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois CenterThe Hungarian nominee and laureate, Tatyjana Melnyik and Gergő Ármin Balázsi, respectively, gave Wayne Eagling’s Duett its Moscow premiere, and the two laureates, Olesya Novikova and Artemy Belyakov, combined Mariinsky and Bolshoi forces in a pas de deux from Leonid Lavrovsky’s Romeo and Juliet.

The Prix Benois program concluded with a gala concert on Wednesday.
11. Participants of the gala, Prix Benois 2024 © Benois Center

Links: Website of the Prix Benois de la Danse
Website of the Bolshoi Theatre
Website of the Hungarian National Ballet
Website of the Mariinsky Ballet
Photos: 1. Jurors, Svetlana Zakharova, nominees, and laureates, Prix Benois 2024
2. Olesya Novikova (Mariinsky Ballet), Prix Benois 2024
3. Qu Zijiao, Andrei Uvarov, and Gergő Ármin Balázsi (Hungarian National Ballet); Prix Benois 2024
4. Qu Zijiao, Andrei Uvarov, and Artemy Belyakov (Bolshoi Ballet); Prix Benois 2024
5. Ensemble of the Stanislavsky Ballet, “Class-Concert” by Maxim Sevagin, Prix Benois 2024
6. Akira Akiyama and Dan Tsukamoto, “KAGUYAHIME” by Jo Kanamori, Prix Benois 2024
7. Gergő Ármin Balázsi and Tatyjana Melnyik, “Duett” by Wayne Eagling, Prix Benois 2024
8. Vladislav Lantratov and Anastasia Stashkevich, “The Queen of Spades” by Yuri Possokhov, Prix Benois 2024
9. Zhang Haidong and Sun Huixin, “Notre Dame de Paris” by Patrick de Bana, Prix Benois 2024
10. Artemy Belyakov and Olesya Novikova, “Romeo and Juliet” by Leonid Lavrovsky, Prix Benois 2024
11. Denis Dmitriev and Ksenia Ryzhkova, “The Snow Queen” by Maxim Sevagin, Prix Benois 2024
12. Participants of the gala, Prix Benois 2024
all photos © Benois Center
Editing: Kayla Kauffman